
Connect a Bluetooth GPS with your eeePC

I am in the process of porting my 2 years old GPS application to Linux. Basically it:
  1. Connect to your garden varieties Bluetooth GPS device
  2. The program will load your GPS coordinates every 20 seconds
  3. And display your coordinate on Google Map
Nothing too fancy on Mac. Just go to the "System Preferences", click a few button and *boooom* (chimed in by Mr. Steve Jobs) it just works.

Now, doing this thing on Linux should have involved just a few commands. The eeePC wiki has this guide that is tl:dr for me. Here are the 3 lines command to connect to your GPS.
hciconfig hci0 up
rfcomm connect 0 00:0B:0D:6D:90:A9
gpsd /dev/rfcomm0

Line #1: Bring up the bluetooth device
Line #2: Connect to the bluetooth GPS device with ID 00:0B:0D:6D:90:A9
Line #3: Bring up gpsd

How to find the ID of the bluetooth device? Use the command:

hcitool scan

Hope this page will help somebody figuring out the bluetooth GPS setup for eeePC.