- Connect to your garden varieties Bluetooth GPS device
- The program will load your GPS coordinates every 20 seconds
- And display your coordinate on Google Map
Now, doing this thing on Linux should have involved just a few commands. The eeePC wiki has this guide that is tl:dr for me. Here are the 3 lines command to connect to your GPS.
hciconfig hci0 upLine #1: Bring up the bluetooth device
rfcomm connect 0 00:0B:0D:6D:90:A9
gpsd /dev/rfcomm0
Line #2: Connect to the bluetooth GPS device with ID 00:0B:0D:6D:90:A9
Line #3: Bring up gpsd
How to find the ID of the bluetooth device? Use the command:
hcitool scan
Hope this page will help somebody figuring out the bluetooth GPS setup for eeePC.